Lalejin is the pottery capital of the world. Laljin city is one of the tourist centers of Hamadan province and is known as the center of pottery and ceramics in the Middle East and even the world. Laljin city is one of the northern cities of Hamedan province, which is located in Laljin section of Bahar city. This city is located at the longitude of 48 degrees and 28 minutes east and latitude of 34 degrees and 58 minutes north and is 1731 meters above sea level.
Based on the census of 2005, Laljin has a population of 14,689 people, and Laljin district with an area of 508 square kilometers and a population of 44,568 people is known as the second city of Bahar. The famine of 1250 and the people’s revolt against Gholam Ali Khazai (Khan Waqt) in 1331 are important events of this city.
Laljin is often pronounced as “Lalin” and “Lalon” in the conversations of the people of Hamedan province. Laljin is located ten kilometers from Bahar and 25 kilometers from Hamedan.
Selection as the world city of pottery
In order to send the cases of Laljin city to the World Handicrafts Council, the judges of this council visited Laljin city in May 2015 and presented their judgment and sent the results to the experts of the World Handicrafts Council. After the final reviews and the announcement of the opinion of the presidents of the four regions of Europe, Latin America, North America and Africa, and based on the official announcement of the office of the head of the World Handicrafts Council, Laljin was chosen as the world city of pottery.