Pottery tools and equipment

pottery tools

Pottery, which is an ancient art in the eyes of the people of Laljin Hamadan, is an art that is very praiseworthy and respected. As you read how to prepare pottery clay and its steps and realized its difficulties, you need to know that this technique has many tools and devices, which we will limit ourselves to naming and explaining briefly:
1) Pressed mud stone: a smooth stone slab measuring one meter by half meter for kneading by hand, locally known as “Palchoq Basan”.
2) Carving: a tool to carve mud stuck to pressed mud stone or ground, which is also called “caltrush”.
3) Glazed bowl: It is filled with water and placed next to the artist’s hand to wet the potter’s hand so that the clay does not stick.
4) Needle: a needle with a four-centimeter wooden handle and a six-centimeter metal needle, which is used to draw a line, cut or reduce the flower, and is also known as “ineh”.
5) Timaj: a leather cloth with a width of two centimeters and a length of ten centimeters for smoothing the surface of the rotating pottery rim.
6) Fist: a copper device, eight centimeters long and five centimeters wide, with a triangular shape to harmonize the outer part of the pottery.
7) Chisel: a fifteen-centimeter-long iron-shaped tool for cutting the lower part of pottery.
8) Wheel: with various models and different materials to place flowers and shape them.
9) Mold: a wooden board the size of a wheel head but thin
10) Board: a board with 30 cm width and 40 cm length and 10 cm width for moving the pottery.
Pottery is a learned technique, which, like any other art, becomes more beautiful with creativity and ideas. In Laljin pottery workshops in Hamedan, potters work ten to twelve hours a day to bring this work and Iranian art to the world.

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